Any-time Keto Breakfast Casserole [Super Easy Recipe]

Any-time Keto Breakfast Casserole [Super Easy Recipe]

How to Keep Weight Off After a Keto Diet

About 40 percent of Americans make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or get healthier. Many choose to go on a Keto Diet, which restricts carbohydrates and promotes healthy fats. The diet can offer health benefits but reverting to a standard American diet can undo those gains and cause weight gain. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid returning to old habits and keep the weight off.

Herbs and Vegetables

Start by adding herbs and vegetables to your meals. Herbs are rich in vitamins and minerals while vegetables provide fiber and antioxidants. Green and leafy vegetables are low in calories, as are cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. Try sprinkling chives, parsley, dill, cilantro and mint on your salads. Parsley, dill and mint are also tasty additions to hot tea.


Olive, canola, nut and vegetable oils are recommended on the keto diet as they contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and are low in carbohydrates. The fats in these oils also help to maintain a healthy metabolism.

Other healthy oils are safflower and sesame oil, which are high in omega-6 fatty acids and are rich in phytochemicals. A Keto Diet can also include a small amount of avocado and coconut milk, both of which are high in fiber, vitamin E and potassium. The latter is important because the keto diet can lead to increased urination, which may cause dehydration. The extra urination is caused by the body excreting acetone, a ketone body that is excreted in urine.