What You Need to Know About Keto Dieting
Keto Dieting is a challenging diet to stick with long term because of its severe carb restrictions. Trying it, giving it up, and then returning to eating carbs can lead to weight cycling or yo-yo dieting, which makes it harder to lose weight and keep it off permanently. If you decide to try this diet, consult your healthcare team and a registered dietitian to ensure that you’re meeting your nutritional needs while following the plan.
Keto Herbs, Vegetables, & Recipes
The keto diet’s low carbohydrate content helps you feel full and satisfied while reducing your risk of heart disease. It also contains high amounts of fat, which promotes brain health. However, you must be careful about which fats you eat. Eating too much saturate fat can raise your cholesterol level and cause other health problems.
When you start the keto diet, it’s important to stock your fridge and pantry with healthy ingredients. Look for foods that are low in carbs and rich in protein and fiber, such as nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Avoid processed or grain-based foods, which can be high in carbs and low in fiber.
The keto diet requires a lot of hydration, so drink plenty of water and replenish your electrolytes. You may also experience a dry mouth and bad breath caused by acetone, a ketone body that is excreted through your urine. These symptoms are usually temporary and will improve as you adjust to the new diet. Exercise is encouraged on the keto diet, as it can help boost weight loss and muscle building. However, you’ll need to limit your exercise intensity within the first week or two as your body gets used to burning fat for energy instead of glucose.